California Environmental Justice Alliance Action Endorsements Show Growing Force of Environmental Justice in California Politics

March 20, 2018

Kay Cuajunco, 619-889-7865

California Environmental Justice Alliance Action Endorsements Show Growing Force of Environmental Justice in California Politics

Los Angeles, CA — This election year, communities of color living on the frontlines of pollution overburdened by economic inequality and health disparities have the power to elect progressive leaders who will courageously defend communities from corporate polluters and pass bold and visionary policies. As the climate crisis deepens and existing environmental health and justice issues persist, people of color have emerged as strong supporters of aggressive environmental and climate change policies. CEJA Action mobilizes the voter base among people of color and builds political support for elected officials that will advance policies addressing the critical environmental health and justice issues in California.

This year, there are a number of ballot measures of critical importance to environmental justice communities. On June 5th, CEJA Action encourages all voters to vote YES on Proposition 68 to direct overdue funds for green spaces in park poor neighborhoods and to bring clean drinking water to all Californians, and YES on Proposition 71 for an inclusive and participatory democracy. We urge all voters to vote NO on Proposition 70, a corporate-led attack on resources for climate action. We cannot let corporations control our climate policy and seize community resources to fight pollution and improve community health. California must continue to be a bright spot against corporate-led attacks to our resources, and the xenophobic, climate-denying tone that has captured much of national politics.


See CEJA Action’s 2018 Environmental Justice Voter Guide at

“CEJA Action is proud to endorse a slate of candidates with proven track records on environmental and social justice and with a strong commitment to defend immigrants, communities of color, and working families. A number of the candidates we endorse for Assembly, Senate, and other state and federal races have championed issues that directly impact low-income communities and communities of color, from increasing access and funding for renewable energy projects in disadvantaged communities, to protecting communities on the fenceline of refineries through air quality monitoring and emergency safety planning, to making California a sanctuary state for immigrants. Communities of color play a key role in shaping the outcomes of the elections in our state, and all working families are a powerful force for equitable environmental policies and a more participatory, inclusive democracy.”
– Gladys Limon, Executive Director, California Environmental Justice Alliance (CEJA) Action

“As California continues to lead the fight against climate change, our charge must be to ensure ALL communities are invested in the transition to clean energy that will reduce pollution, improve community health, and provide safe and clean local jobs. In the upcoming June election, the way to preserve the integrity of California’s climate programs and ensure ALL Californians have the resources to be resilient to the impacts of climate change and pollution will be to vote no on Proposition 70. I am committed to leading our fight to a clean transition off fossil fuels, I know CEJA Action is too. That’s why I’m proud to have the support of CEJA Action who I know will be a true partner as we push for climate justice.”
– Assemblymember Todd Gloria (D-San Diego)

“Jovanka Beckles has demonstrated a commitment to fighting for progressive values and against corporate control during her two term tenure on the Richmond City Council. Jovanka is the only candidate in the Assembly District 15 race who is relying on small contributions and refusing to accept corporate contributions. This has been her policy since she first ran for City Council under the banner of the Richmond Progressive Alliance. Jovanka Beckles is the only Richmond native in the race and has met with CBE members, both adults and youth, to gain their support and endorsement.”
– Darryl Molina Sarmiento, Executive Director, CBE Action

“CCAEJ Action is proud to endorse Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes. She has been a diligent leader, fighting to ensure our communities have a high quality of life. We applaud her effectiveness to bring much needed resources to the Inland Region and ensuring California continues to lead in the right direction.”
– Allen Hernandez, Executive Director, Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice Action

Full slate of 2018 candidates endorsed by California Environmental Justice Alliance Action:

Jovanka Beckles – Assembly District 15
Ash Kalra – Assembly District 27
Monique Limón – Assembly District 37
Antonio Sanchez – Assembly District 39
Tricia Robbins Kasson – Assembly District 45
Eloise Gómez Reyes – Assembly District 47
Sydney Kamlager – Assembly District 54
Sabrina Cervantes – Assembly District 60
Al Muratsuchi – Assembly District 66
Todd Gloria – Assembly District 78
Connie Leyva – Senate District 20
Mike Eng – Senate District 22
Maria Elena Durazo – Senate District 24
Xavier Becerra – Attorney General
Ricardo Lara – Insurance Commissioner
Tony Thurmond – Superintendent of Public Education
Kevin de León – United States Senate

For CEJA Action’s full 2018 Environmental Justice Voter Guide and Candidate Endorsements:


California Environmental Justice Alliance Action (CEJA Action) builds the political power of communities of color to advance environmentally and socially just policies in California. We accomplish this by engaging voters in communities of color, organizing and training grassroots leaders to engage in civic and electoral politics, and advocacy to advance critical policies that will improve the health and quality of life in communities of color. We believe California’s communities of color are a powerful force for equitable environmental policies and a more participatory, inclusive democracy.