With a historic budget surplus, 2022 is a critical chance for California to re-invest in working class communities of color and protect the health of residents on the frontline of the climate crisis. Our endorsed bills will safeguard the wellbeing of residents across the state.
This year, we’re proud to announce our support for AB 2597 (Bloom), a bill to safeguard residents against extreme heat in their homes; AB 2419 (Bryan), a bill to ensure that federal dollars flow to low-income and working class communities of color and SB 222 (Dodd); to strengthen water access for all Californians.
As the oil and gas industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars to oppose climate legislation, we’re standing firm to call for a ban on the use of carbon capture for enhanced oil recovery with SB 1314 (Limon). And we’re working to pass legislation that would expand solar energy access to low-income communities across the state with AB 2316 (Ward).
Download the 2022 Legislative Agenda here.
SUPPORT: AB 2597 (Bloom): Healthy and Heat Resilient Homes
This bill would update the state’s habitability code to require that all rental units are able to maintain a safe indoor air temperature regardless of the temperature outside. Extreme heat and more frequent heat waves threaten the livelihood and health of all Californians, and will disproportionately impact lower income people and people of color. AB 2597 will ensure the most vulnerable Californians live in safe and resilient homes by requiring that rental units maintain a safe indoor temperature.
SUPPORT: AB 2419 (Bryan): California Justice40 Act
This bill ensures that federal climate and infrastructure investments will advance California’s goals to promote equity, environmental justice, and a high-road economy by requiring at least 40% of federal climate, clean energy, and infrastructure funds to benefit disadvantaged communities. AB 2419 requires that an additional 10% of funds benefit low-income communities and households. Additionally, the bill establishes the Justice40 Oversight Committee to track the use of federal funds, recommending additional standards to improve labor, climate, and equity outcomes for the State, and guides the funding of infrastructure projects in disadvantaged and low-income communities in California.
SUPPORT: SB 222 (Dodd): Water Affordability
Establishes a long-needed framework for a statewide water affordability assistance program. Strengthens & extends inadequate existing water shutoff and bill repayment protocols to better protect all low-income California households that may face or have already experienced water service disconnections due to the water customer’s inability to pay their water bill.
SUPPORT: SB 1314 (Limon): Stop CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery
This bill would prohibit the use of captured carbon for enhanced oil recovery. Enhanced oil recovery is the practice of pumping CO2 underground to produce additional oil that would not be recoverable otherwise. SB 1314 would prevent the use of carbon capture, use, and storage (CCUS) projects to perform more enhanced oil recovery.
SUPPORT: AB 2316 (Ward): Community Renewable Energy
This bill would require the California Public Utilities Commission to establish a Community Renewable Energy Program. The program would enable communities to subscribe to a renewable energy program near their homes and receive guaranteed bill savings. At least 51% of subscribers to the community solar program must be low-income or low-income service organizations.