In Two Weeks Join us to Vote NO on the Right-Wing Recall

As wildfires burn up and down Northern California and our families struggle to recover in the second wave of COVID-19, luxury real estate, the law enforcement and venture capitalists are trying to capture the Office of the Governor.

Their most recent strategy: a recall campaign attacking our democracy, costing Californians upwards of $276 million and endangering our communities.  

With only two weeks until a Governor recall election, anti-immigrant, white supremacists, and right-wing extremists are attempting to steal California’s most influential decision-making position, all while many environmental justice voters are unaware that the recall is even happening. 

For our communities across the state, the recall will threaten the environmental justice progress we have made, for good jobs for California workers and a clean energy transition. That’s why CEJA Action and our members are getting out the vote from now until the  election on September 14th. Join us to use your vote and your power to vote No on the Recall.

Why are frontline communities opposing the right-wing recall campaign?

Here are steps to safe and easy voting before or on September 14th: 

  1. Register to vote or check your voter registration. Will you be 18 by September 14th or are a justice-involved person newly on parole? Register online to vote today.
  2. Vote TODAY! Every county in California has early voting options. Return your ballot to a ballot drop box, by mail (no stamps needed!), or at your County Department of Elections before September 14th.
  3. Didn’t receive your ballot in the mail? Don’t worry! Vote on election day! Same-day registration is available at all voting locations. Find out where and when to vote on September 14th.

Tell your friends, family and community:

  1. We have so much to lose – tell a friend to vote NO in the Governor recall election. Sign up to phone-bank against the recall here. 
  2. Follow us at @cejaaction on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for up-to-date information on the recall and your voting rights.
  3. Join our mailing list to receive more action updates.