More Environmentalists Give “Wholehearted Support” To Medina in AD-40

For Immediate Release
September 6, 2016

Contact: Dave Jacobson, (818) 943-2348
Maclen Zilber, (510) 508-9142
Jacobson & Zilber Strategies


CEJA Action says “Abigail Medina will be an outspoken force on behalf of the environmental justice movement”

SAN BERNARDINO, CA — Increasing her support from environmental protection organizations, today San Bernardino School Board Member AbigailMedina won a significant endorsement from the California Environmental Justice Alliance Action (CEJA Action) in her campaign for California’s 40th State Assembly District seat. Previously Medina was endorsed by the Sierra Club and the California League of Conservation Voters.

In announcing their support, Strela Cervas, Co-Director of CEJA Action released the following statement:

“California Environmental Justice Alliance Action (CEJA Action) is proud to endorse Abigail Medina for State Assembly District 40. From combatting pollution to investing more in clean and renewable energy and drought reducing water conservation measures, we know that Abigail Medina will be an outspoken force on behalf of the environmental justice movement in the state capitol. She’s got our wholehearted support!”

Just last week Medina rolled out her first television ad of the general election.
To view the ad, click here. 

Also last week, Medina secured numerous endorsements, including from the California State University Employees Union (CSUEU), California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS),  Santa Clara County Democratic Club, and the State Coalition of Probation Officers.

San Bernardino School Board Member Abigail Medina won the June 7th primary election with 51.5% and 39,583 votes.

For more information please visit


Paid for by Abigail Medina for State Assembly 2016.